What Your Aura Color Says About You

The following descriptions of aura colors & their meanings, are meant to give you general insight into the interpretation of your auric state. Please be aware that your aura colors can (and do) change over time, depending on your life stories, emotions and situations. Please also take into consideration that not all meanings of colors are relevant all at once, there's very much a range of meanings.

This brief guide is meant to be a starting point for self-discovery and aura awareness.

* Please credit AURA AURA when sharing or re-posting any portion of this guide as all content is under Copyright.


RED /Red is the color of the root chakra, which relates to our connection with the physical body, and the tangible world around us. It appears in the auras of fearless individuals who have a natural understanding of their physical reality and enjoy manifesting desires in the material world. They are passionate and unapologetic about experiencing dynamic and abundant adventures in life as a physical being. It's this passion and restlessness that keeps them driven in life. They are generally unafraid of death, birth, over-indulgence, sensuality, or adrenaline-inducing activities. Those with red emissions in their energy fields are powerful people that rarely deny themselves the pleasures of the physical plane. The saturation or brightness of a color in your aura can indicate different things. If the red in your aura is murky or dark, you may be holding on to anger, frustration, or trauma. It can also indicate low energy, exhaustion or being over-worked.

PINK / A true, lighter pink is one of the more rare colors to show up in an aura. A bubblegum/baby pink aura can be seen around persons who are gentle in nature and radiate pleasant, loving energy to every being they come into contact with. They are deeply sensitive, embrace the ideals of romantic love, and often have a natural ability to keep the romance alive and well in relationships. They are natural healers and creatives, with an inkling toward intuitive abilities. The color pink vibrates at a similar frequency as green, which corresponds to the heart chakra. People who have light pink emissions in their aura inspire a feeling of comfort to those around them. Pink vibrations are bubbly and uplifting because they correspond directly to the heart chakra, which is typically associated with feminine energy. Even in the midst of life's most pressing challenges, a person with a pink aura can help heal others with a glance, a smile, a kind word, or just by being present. They remind us to be gentle with each other and all of earth's creatures.

MAGENTA / Those with a magenta aura are true originals. The color magenta is a combination of red and blue frequencies - technically right in-between the two on the color spectrum. Those with magenta emissions in their aura combine a masterful understanding of the physical world (Red) with a heightened capacity for intuitive thinking (Blue). This combination makes people with magenta auras ideally suited for creative work. These high-energy, naturally creative beings thrive on originality and innovation and are not fond of using copycat methods of creativity. Those with magenta in their auras tend to walk to the beat of their own drum, and experience the world in their own way. They can sometimes come across as a bit eccentric, but generally attract positive attention from their peers.  These individualistic thinkers consider following the crowd to be boring and restrictive. Peer pressure has no effect on them. They love to shock people, to shake them from their ordinary, humdrum existence. These unique personalities are generally optimistic and prefer to look at life with a sense of humor. Magentas are usually very strong-willed and intelligent – but rarely understood. They are innovative individuals, fascinated by the latest gadgets and inventions.  They do, however, deal with the tangibles on the planet - like taking physical substance and stretching it into new forms that go beyond what people consider normal. These free spirits aren't usually concerned about what others think, rather being authentic to themselves is what's most important.

ORANGE / Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which relates to creativity, sensuality, and our emotional sutble body. Orange is the energy center for exchange and relationships, placing high value on friendships and interacting with others. Those with orange emissions in their auras resonate with the vibrations of joyful exchange, whether relating to work, resources, money, time, energy, or love. They possess strength in teamwork due to their ability to be relatable and sociable. Those with orange in their aura are highly perceptive and incredibly dynamic individuals. Strangers do not stay strangers for very long for those with an orange aura, as friendships develop very quickly for these relationship experts. People with orange auras have a hard time sitting still as they are thrill seekers who want to experience all the world has to offer. Because they crave newness and sensation, vibrating at a lower orange frequency can lead to addiction or trouble committing in relationships.

YELLOW  / Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra, which rules our intellect, self-esteem and personal power. Those with yellow in their energy field resonate with vibrations of confidence, happiness, a strong sense of self, esteem, and the ability to inspire others to achieve greatness. They are natural born leaders, who tend to have high levels of energy and the ability to positively motivate others. Individuals with yellow auras encourage and support others by naturally being themselves - they radiate like the sun and they also may have a great ability to analyze complex concepts. Those who glow yellow are full of inner joy, generosity, and naturally attract others towards them - they are warm and radiant like the sun. When yellow is darker and dense in our aura, we may experiencing self criticism, perfectionism, over confidence, or operating too much from our ego driven self.

TAN / A tan aura can be found in individuals who are very logical and analytical. They choose to methodically process every step, from one through ten. They are also very practical, security-conscious and have a tendency to keep their feelings to themselves. They are not risk-takers, these are the people who want to build a foundation brick by brick before taking a leap. These detail-oriented beings are strategic in their approach to life, and often times have the ability to accomplish time-consuming tasks that frustrate others. They are down-to-earth personalities who value long-term commitment. Those with tan in their auras love to analyze, learn, and understand three-dimensional reality. They have a strategic, linear way of thinking.

GREEN / Green frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart chakra, the center of personal growth and healing. Those with green auras radiate unconditional love and a life force energy that is sensed by all beings that come into their presence. Because of this, individuals with intense green in their auras consistantly over time, are typically drawn to nature and animals and are natural self healers. Being in the presence of a person with green emissions in their energy field can be a very peaceful and restful experience. They are the most balanced people in the entire color spectrum, easily giving equal attention to their own creative goals and to the people they love. They have a sense of responsibility and service to others, and are very self assertive. The green aura is one that bridges the spiritual and physical worlds. They are focused, with high ideals and aspirations - profoundly creative individuals. If your green is dark or murky, you may be focusing on feelings of jealousy or envy - you may be feeling like the victim and viewing comments from others as criticism.

BLUE  / A lighter cyan or turquoise blue is the color of the throat chakra, ruling communication and self-expression. A true blue in the aura is indicative of a person with natural expressive gifts and the ability to speak their truth. Individuals with light blue emissions in their energy field have an inner knowledge and wisdom and tend to rely on their feelings to determine what is right without needing outside facts or data for substantiation. These expressive dreamers place a great importance on personal relationships. Honesty and clarity in communication is very important to them. They love to gather and share wisdom and make great philosophers. The lighter the blue of your aura, the more peaceful and positive the energy you project.

INDIGO / Indigo blue is the color of the third eye chakra, relating to intuition and inner knowing. Its frequency is the second highest vibrational energy of the visible color spectrum and relates to having deep intuitive gifts. People with indigo in their auras are extremely sensitive to others' energy and are very in tune - they tend to know things before they happen, hear things before they are said, and dream lucidly and literally. They are sensitive but lend that sensitivity towards others in terms of empathy. Indigos tend to operate from a deep depth of feeling vs logic. They are seekers by nature and see the world as something bigger than themselves as an individual. They understand that living in the moment and going with the natural flow of life is key. Those with indigo in their aura trust their intuition and can easily discern between truth and illusion. As communicators and connectors, they help those they meet along the way to understand the beauty and vastness of the universe and its mysteries. A darker, murky indigo, such as navy or peacock blue can indicate a period of self doubt, a disconnect with intuition and uncertainty.

VIOLET ( PURPLE ) / Violet is the color of the crown chakra which relates to connection to our dreams and higher consciousness. Individuals with violet in their auras are dynamic, charismatic, and have powerful personalities. Their task or mission in life is to lead and inspire humankind and to guide us into a new age of prosperity, happiness, and wholeness. They have an inner and driving urge to do something important with their life. They are visionaries, and have high ideals and hopes for the future.  Because those with violet purple energy possess both knowledge and intuition, they can usually see and recognize the "bigger picture" of any situation without being bogged down with details. They are natural empaths, easily assessing the vibrations of others. They crave connection and present themselves as open books to inspire and encourage the sharing of others. Purple auras vibrate at a very high speed, signaling a close connection with the universe and unseen forms of life energy. Those with violet emissions in their energy field tend to have high levels of thought activity and ability to manifest their projections into the material world. They also exhibit a high degree of originality when it comes to innovative thoughts, progressive ideas, and open-minded insights that show concern for the entire universal life matrix.

WHITE / Related to the soul chakra, a pure, all white aura with no other color present is the mark of a being who has transcended the limitations of the physical realm. These extremely rare individuals - possibly only a handful on all of planet Earth - are free from personal issues, hang-ups, and health problems, which is why their aura projects pure white only frequencies. What is most common are those with white in their auras, along with other colors. These individuals are in a spiritually motivated state and possess an openness and receptiveness to the universe. They are often unconcerned with worldly matters or ambition, rather purity and truth. They are operating from a positive, uplifting and non-judgemental state. Inner illumination and seeking cosmic wisdom characterize the white energy. When white is in the aura and appears cloudy or murky - it can indicate being in a state of flux, confused, or waiting for answers.


STREAKS - BEAMS - CHANNELS - RAYS OF LIGHT / If rays of light show up in your portrait - most often white - ( example 1 / example 2 / example 3 ) this can indicate that you are in a directly connected state to the universe, spirit, the divine, etc. and represent being in a guided, channeled state. You are in a state of consciousness where your crown chakra is open, and are tapped in and open to receiving messages, downloads, signs and needed energies from other beings, frequencies, dimensions, or realms.

Via Joseph Ostrom* - "These bars of light are helping energy coming from an external source. They enter from outside the aura and feed chakras that are in need of various kinds of energy. These energies or 'rays' can come from several sources. They are sent (consciously or unconsciously) from friends, teachers, mates or other people who care about us. They can also come from entities that exist on other vibrational levels. Finally they can be sent from beings that we have known in this or other lifetimes, beings that have since passed out of the physical realm at death."

ORBS & GUIDE ENERGIES / When orbs of light appear in portraits ( example 1 / example 2 / example 3 ) they can represent protective or spiritual energy that is with you aka guide energies. While the color meanings of orbs are a bit mysterious and esoteric, these online resources may be helpful for those seeking insight. In my personal experience, most singular orbs always show up in the same spot in photographs ( upper left corner / over the right shoulder ) which can possibly be explained by this video Guy Coggins recorded. In general, orbs do not appear over / near our bodies, nor over our chests or throats - only surrounding us in the consciousness area of our auric field.

Via Joseph Ostrom* - "These concentric spheres of light are positive entity energies which have been given permission by the host being to enter it's aura for the purpose of supplying needed external energies. As with the rays, this permission is usually given on the unconscious level but can also be given on the conscious level, a in the case of prayer. Guide energies usually display very little personality. Most of them seem to be more of a process that a personality. Sometimes, however, a guide energy will provide a tremendous show. Once, one exploded into a beautiful shimmering silver starburst; others have flip-flopped all over the aura in the shape of tear drops chasing after their tails."

WHEN YOUR PHOTO LOOKS DARK OR IF YOUR COLORS ARE SEE THROUGH / When you are feeling burnt out, exhausted or sick, it's very likely that your aura colors will not be as bright or as saturated, and the photograph will look dark which is just the black background. There is not such thing as a black aura - this is just lack of energy. Colors will be muted or see through, which indicates energy depletion and a need to recharge or rest. Please see this example.

*The anatomy of an aura portrait diagram was created by AURA AURA based on information provided by Guy Coggins, as well as understanding the concept of yin/yang energy and how they relate to the human body through research .  The color interpretations and information above were developed from our years of field research through clients, and also referenced from numerous online sources and books, here are just to name a few to get you started: Aura Colors , You and Your Aura , Life Colors . PLEASE CREDIT AURA AURA WHEN SHARING OR REPOSTING ANY PORTION OF THIS GUIDE AS ALL CONTENT IS UNDER COPYRIGHT.

What Your Aura Color Says About You

Source: https://www.auraaura.co/aura-colors

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