What Is the Dictionary Definition of Petrified

Meaning of petrified in English:


Pronunciation /ˈpɛtrɪfʌɪd/

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  • 1 So frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.

    'the petrified child clung to her mother'

    • 'I seriously can't cope with them - I'm petrified.'
    • 'A Director of Nursing learns of a records falsification by a young nurse, who is petrified of having made a mistake.'
    • 'I was always petrified - there don't have to be terrorists.'
    • 'The softly-spoken, petrified child on the line was 12-year-old Emily Earp.'
    • 'They looked petrified to do anything, let alone be creative.'
    • 'The petrified audience was locked in the room.'
    • 'I remember seeing three fires on the landscape below, and I was just petrified.'
    • 'Conventional wisdom would be to go up and talk to her, but I'm petrified of failure.'
    • 'I was shocked and petrified at what I saw.'
    • 'When we arrived in Athens I was petrified as the customs officer interrogated Tim for about 20 minutes.'
    • 'As the petrified old man shouted out in shock, the driver just said nothing and simply drove around him and sped off.'
    • 'Their children are petrified, they say.'
    • '"To be honest," she whispers, "I was petrified, I was terrified."'
    • 'I was indoors at the time and petrified.'
    • 'I grabbed it off the floor and discovered that it was unhurt, but petrified.'
    • 'I was petrified of leaving home after that, and didn't do so for ten days.'
    • 'However, politicians are still petrified of being accused of being too soft on drugs.'
    • 'He became petrified of germs, heights, the dark, crowds, even milk.'
    • 'She said after his death she had been petrified.'
    • 'Pregnant turtles, too petrified by the commotion to wade ashore at night, are being forced to lay their eggs in the sea, where they cannot hatch.'

    terrified , terror-stricken, terror-struck, horrified, horror-stricken, horror-struck, frightened out of one's wits, scared out of one's wits, scared witless, frightened to death, scared to death, aghast, appalled

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  • 2 (of organic matter) changed into a stony substance; ossified.

    • 'Just off the road, the Aztec sandstone outcrops at Redstone Picnic Area are actually petrified sand dunes.'
    • 'Figures 24-26 are postcards advertising three petrified wood localities in the Dakotas.'
    • 'Riding through a homogenous ocean of petrified clay, we arrive at a remote campsite set within a cluster of trees.'
    • 'In petrified specimens, cellular details are lost with the organic material of the cell wall.'
    • 'It was in a frozen state, not in petrified state.'
    • 'There are now three bedrooms, each one different, including an attic room where guests sleep underneath a dozen petrified beams.'
    • 'Behind that there is, encrusted with petrified straw, a wooden box.'
    • 'I saw with my own eyes that wooden frames, used to support the mine, were becoming petrified.'
    • 'One is a petrified log of wood 200 million years old.'
    • 'She points to a baking tray of aubergines, curling and charred like petrified wood.'
    • 'I found some pieces of agate and petrified wood.'
    • 'They will study fossilized spike prints, old gloves preserved in amber and petrified bats.'
    • 'Cycad fragments can be easily overlooked as petrified conifer wood.'
    • 'They find themselves on a stark, dead planet surrounded by a ruined landscape and petrified flora and fauna.'
    • 'It looked to me like petrified wood.'
    • 'When its content is high enough, the penetrated wood acquires the characteristics of petrified wood.'
    • 'The path features giant petrified redwood stumps and outcrops of fossil-bearing shale.'
    • 'Petrified wood and fossils are evident during backcountry hikes away from the river, but remember to take only pictures and leave only footprints.'
    • 'Along with a fossilized bag of flour for the bread, there's a petrified ham for the filling.'
    • 'The hills are the remains of petrified reefs, which resist weathering better than sedimentary limestone.'

What Is the Dictionary Definition of Petrified

Source: https://www.lexico.com/definition/petrified

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